Spangling Darkness

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Poetic Matrix Press (2014)
Welcome to the audiobook of Spangling Darkness by Raphael Block. You’ll hear 44 poems and the Occidental Community Choir singing, “When I Look at the Stars,” composed by Sarah Saulsbury. The book itself has five songs and eight wonderful illustrations by Clare Allen of London. Please enjoy! Thank you.
Listen to the audiobook Spangling Darkness:
Poems from Spangling Darkness:
Old and Delved
Between the Two Shores
“SPANGLING DARKNESS ignites the imagination for a new vision that allows the Earth to mend.”
~ J. GLENN EVANS, founder of PoetsWest and author of two novels and four poetry books
“…each poem calls us to attention, that we may hear the rhyme of waves, feel the burning sap of a fire-born seed, the life-force pulsing in the filaments of the invisible web that holds us…And we, the lucky readers, emerge…’hewed a little larger’ by Block’s poems, with their twin blessings of grace and wonder.”
~ TERRY EHRET, Author of four collections of poetry, cofounder of Sixteen Rivers Press, and Poet Laureate of Sonoma County 2004-2006
“The poems in SPANGLING DARKNESS breathe with a remarkable sensory awareness that brings the reader as close as one can get to daily life. This is where Raphael Block begins to work magic as a poet…”
~ John Fox, founder of The Institute for Poetic Medicine, author of Poetic Medicine, The Healing Art of Poem-making
My thanks and gratitude to MICHAEL HUGHES for recording all these poems.
Eight Fine Pencil Illustrations by Clare Allen. Copyright
Please click on the illustration to start slideshow.
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