May 2024 | Part II: Interview with Saul Herrera, Vineyard Worker and Gardener + Middle East Peace

Saul’s mother holding a photo of her husband, herself, and five of Saul’s siblings
Saul’s brother, Fausto, with their parents.
Saul’s brother, Fausto, after his teacher graduation with their parents, three sisters, a nephew, and niece.
The house Saul has built in Charloco, Oaxaca.
Charloco, Oaxaca, Mexico

A painting of Earth with a Middle East focus by Sabera

– Hela Lahar, of ALLMEP member Tech2Peace, addressing EU Parliament last week

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Bodega Head inlet by Theadora Block

Editor of poetry anthologies How to Love the World, The Path to Kindness, and The Wonder of Small Things.

Our Body – an Earth Being
with Mira Weinrich

The Hidden Forest Nursery by Diana Badger
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