“Life is calling,
life is calling…”
(from the poem “Andes” in Songs from a Small Universe)
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Endorsements for Strings of Shining Silence – Earth-Love Poems
The Earth speaks and the heart listens. Here are words that nourish the soul with the ancient music of creation, the songs that are all around us but so easily unnoticed. These poems sing the remembrance of life itself, simple, unadorned, deeply felt. Let them take you back to where you belong. LLEWELLYN VAUGHAN-LEE, Sufi Teacher and Author, Editor of Spiritual Ecology—The Cry of the Earth.
This luminous collection of poetry is a love song to the Holy. Each piece is a droplet of dew reflecting the rising sun and radiating through the heart, awakening wonder. MIRABAI STARR, Author of God of Love: A Guide to the Heart of Judaism, Christianity and Islam and Caravan of No Despair: A Memoir of Loss and Transformation
Raphael Block’s poetry reflects an empathy for all life. The voice of the poet recollects with insight the quiet joys of life. A shared panoply of the wonderful adventures in the garden of daily life when led with eyes, ears and feelings wide open. This collection is a strong, honest and intelligent work of seasoned poetry aged like fine wine that all poetry lovers should experience. GLENN EVANS—POET, Novelist and Founder of PoetWest.
Never far from the living earth or the heart of wonder, part nature seer, part mystic weaver, Raphael Block pulls the Seen and the Unseen together with shining strings of imagination Wonderful! MICHAEL MEADE, Author of Fate and Destiny and Why the World Doesn’t End
“My experience shows that I’m hanging by threads that bind me to spirit, this earth, and each other. This love of our earth and of spirit that permeates all, makes life so dynamic, magical, and wonder-filled!”
Raphael’s Block’s poetry, infused with spirit, speaks to earth’s call for a heartfelt response to our ecological crisis. Born on a kibbutz, he spent his boyhood playing on the hills of Haifa. His family returned to London as he turned nine, where learning British English shaped his ear for sound. In 1993 he moved to Northern California with his American wife and their daughter. His partner died from cancer in 2002, and for the following years he feels it was his privilege to raise their child.
Raphael worked with children of all ages for almost 30 years. Since 2008, a life-threatening illness, Crohn’s, has played a major role in intensifying his appreciation and gratitude for the moments of each day.
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